Trust Yourself Emotional Potion – 1 oz
** Natural & Organic **
Emotion Potion Aura Mist is a combination of Reiki, Flower Essences, and Aromatherapy to clear your emotional path.
Trust Yourself – Find your confidence and inner guidance. Embrace your fearlessness and know you will be fine. Know that you have the courage and backbone to decide for yourself and come out the other side solid and stable.
5th Chakra - Throat
Contains: Hawthorn Berries, Spearmint, Juniper Berries, Carnation, Cinnamon, Peach Blossom, Red Clover Blossoms, Lemongrass, Passion Flowers, Jasmine, Centaury, Frankincense, Hyssop, Amethyst, Mistletoe, Gotu Kola, Labdanum, Neroli, Green Tea, Red Raspberry Leaves.
“You are Braver than you Believe, Smarter than you Seem, and Stronger than you Think.” Winnie the Pooh